photo courtesy of HeraldandNews.com


The summer of 2022 has been an especially brutal one. Gun violence has invaded and impacted nearly every aspect of our American way of life. Hundreds of innocent lives have been lost already as of this writing, and people from all walks of life across our nation are experiencing tremendous grief and loss of loved ones they should not have had to bury.

It is said that the best solutions are often the simplest. However the remedies people are pursuing to curtail gun violence are both complex and not completely effective. Critics of the recent gun safety bill signed by President Biden say it falls short of its goals. They are correct. The main reason why is because none of the solutions address the one common factor in all gun deaths: that BULLETS are what kill people.

Our mission, therefore, is to push Congress to ban the bullets that are being used in these mass murders. We can achieve that goal with your help. (See What Can I Do? to learn more)

BANTHEAMMO.org leads a campaign to take specific types of gun ammunition off of the market through a nationwide ban. Use the site menu to find out about the many benefits of a bullet ban, and why it can most effectively reverse the trend in mass killings. ​Check out the FAQ’s page for answers to common questions about current gun safety laws (and why an ammunition ban is a better answer). Learn about the historical precedents going back nearly 100 years that give an ammunition ban an opportunity to succeed today. Let your voice be heard by signing our petition to ban selected ammunition. Get involved in your community to spread the word about the benefits of an ammunition ban. Discover other resources, such as gun death statistics and gun control advocacy organizations. All this and more can be found throughout our pages!

The primary purpose of BANTHEAMMO.org is to promote real and creative solutions to America’s gun violence. Another area of the site will be used to promote a few concerns and solutions regarding some of the other major challenges faced by today’s American society. The old methods don’t seem to be working. Let’s get inventive and think outside the box!